Creative Wavelength

Sep 26, 2016 | Creative Wavelength

It’s been a weird week here at SG, but some good news: it’s time for another round of Creative Wavelength! These are a few of the cool art-y, design-y, creativity-related things I’ve found around the web lately. Take a look:


Awesome food art by Anna Keville Joyce. I love intricate, quirky pieces like this.




Nature Land Art Installations by Nils-Udo. Otherworldly and earthy at the same time.



Imaginary Currency Leaf Insects and Other Fictional Bugs painted by Takumi Kama


Disrupting the Disruptors. “People are far less enthusiastic about being disrupted than marketers are about disrupting them.” Truth.

On Gendered Book Covers and Being a Woman Designer. This!

The stunning geographic divide in American creativity. Having lived on both sides, I am not surprised by this at all.

An open letter to design students. A good read, no matter your career stage.

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Have a cool art project or design think piece you’ve found recently? Share below!




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