It’s been a weird week here at SG, but some good news: it’s time for another round of Creative Wavelength! These are a few of the cool art-y, design-y, creativity-related things I’ve found around the web lately. Take a look:

Awesome food art by Anna Keville Joyce. I love intricate, quirky pieces like this.

Amazingly, There’s No Paper Involved in These Paper-cut Illustrations. All digital! Very cool.

Nature Land Art Installations by Nils-Udo. Otherworldly and earthy at the same time.

Imaginary Currency Leaf Insects and Other Fictional Bugs painted by Takumi Kama
⇒ Disrupting the Disruptors. “People are far less enthusiastic about being disrupted than marketers are about disrupting them.” Truth.
⇒ On Gendered Book Covers and Being a Woman Designer. This!
⇒ The stunning geographic divide in American creativity. Having lived on both sides, I am not surprised by this at all.
⇒ An open letter to design students. A good read, no matter your career stage.
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Have a cool art project or design think piece you’ve found recently? Share below!