On Time and Quality
Good work takes time, attention, and energy. If you can’t commit those assets, the quality of work will suffer.
Good work takes time, attention, and energy. If you can’t commit those assets, the quality of work will suffer.
Design by committee gets a bad rap, for good reason. Too much irrelevant input can absolutely ruin a project. Here’s how I handle it.
Today on the blog I’m examining one of the most understated qualities of successful freelancers and business owners: reliability.
A client’s preference and a designer’s preference have no place in good strategic design. The focus should be on the business and its customers.
“The thing that’s most to be feared is doing the same thing over and over again.” — Paula Scher. I reveal why I haven’t taken some popular business advice.
“We explore promising avenues that, days later, become dead ends. Sometimes, we solve a month’s problem in an hour.” — Cennydd Bowles. Talking about creativity and time in the value of design.
Some quote-worthy snippets from sessions at HOW Design Live 2017.
“Buy the best and you only cry once.”— Miles Redd. In this post, I’m talking about the advantages of quality work and the value of expertise.
“The client may be king, but he’s not the art director.”— Von Glitschka. I’m using this quote to take a look at two types of designer-client relationships.