An Act of Design

An Act of Design

“Design is as much an act of spacing as an act of marking.” — Ellen Lupton. And also an act of omitting. Three facets of design, equally important.

A Designer’s Duty

A Designer’s Duty

“Designers have a dual duty; contractually to their clients and morally to the later users and recipients of their work.”
— Hans Höger

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Inspiration vs. Motivation

“Good art inspires; good design motivates.” — Otl Aicher. Good design is not just there to look pretty, it is there to enable and prompt a certain action.

Design is a Vessel with Purpose

Design is a Vessel with Purpose

Design is a vessel for your message. It is art with purpose. Design has a reason for being, and something to accomplish. It is strategy made visual.

The Devil is in the Details

The Devil is in the Details

“The details are not the details. They make the design.” –Charles Eames. I explore why I agree with this quote, and why details are so important.